Decided to buy my second album from Amazon MP3 store and lo and behold, they now have
a Linux version of Amazon MP3 downloader.
They only provide a binary package, either .rpm or .deb. They have two RPMs, for Fedora 8 and for OpenSuse 10.3. I have Slackware 12.1, but I managed to make the RPM for OpenSuse 10.3 work in my OS. I only had to install
boost-1.33.1-i686-3as from
Slacky, and create the following symbolic links in /usr/lib directory.
rpm -ivh --nodeps amazonmp3.rpm
/usr/sbin/swaret --install boost-1.33.1-i686-3as
cd /usr/lib
ln -s libboost_date_time-mt.so.1.33.1 libboost_date_time.so.1.33.1
ln -s libboost_signals-mt.so.1.33.1 libboost_signals.so.1.33.1
ln -s libboost_iostreams-mt.so.1.33.1 libboost_iostreams.so.1.33.1
When you buy an album from Amazon's MP3 store, Amazon provides you with an .amz file, which you can open with the amazonmp3 application to download the actual audio files.